Tuesday, August 14, 2007

UPDATE: Online Mindmapping

I received some great reader feedback on the Online Mindmapping post. Thanks everyone for the great comments - as always you can reach me at mqaissaunee@gmail.com or post your comment directly to the blog.

Readers loved the Civil Rights Movement mindmap, which I picked because I found it an engaging mindmap both visually and topically. It is not one of my maps - I teach technology courses - you can get the map for free at the Mindjet Map Gallery - under education/faculty. Sorry for the confusion.

Another reader pointed me to comapping a pretty slick online mindmapping application.Comapping, which offers a free 30-day trial, costs about $2 per month. This web app has a fairly rich interface, lots of bells and whistles and allows real-time collaboration - like Mindmeister. It's great to see so many options available and so much activity in this online space.


Anonymous said...

I have been using comapping for our projects within our organisation and it by far the best application available.

Left to right mind mappping and the auto collapsing function is ideal for the computer. Other online mind mapping tools just replicate paper based mind mapping and that for me is just too confusing.

Anonymous said...

No prizes for guessing that the IP address of the commenter above can be traced to somewhere in Denmark...


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