Thursday, October 23, 2008

Slideshare Presentation Packs

Image of SlideShare from TwitterImage of SlideShareOne of my favorite Web2.0 sites has added a great new feature. It was already possible to upload a presentation and share it with someone by embedding the presentation in a blog, website or even a course management system, such as Blackboard or at our college ANGEL. A new feature allows one to create a presentation 'pack' using a group of related presentations and share or embed the entire set (pack). I see all sort of applications for this, such as a way of sharing content with conference attendees, sharing your lectures with your students or creating an embedded review tool for a text or exam. I'm a member of the slideshare group - Effective Presentations - here is a pack created from all of the presentations members have shared with the group.

The result - in one simple space, I can share a wealth of expertise and opinions on how to make more effective presentations. So whether you're organizing a conference, presenting at a conference or teaching a class, give slideshare and their presentation packs a shot - I know you'll be hooked.

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