Anyone who spends any amount of time on a college campus wouldn't be surprised to hear that ipods are popular with college students. In fact, colleague Gordon Snyder and I both noticed - about two years ago - that these white earbuds
were ubiquitous on our respective college campuses - leading us to create our own podcast.
In a recent blog, Gordon details the announcement that Apple had sold their 100 millionth iPod - a staggering one iPod sold every 1.7 seconds since 2001 - 10 million in March 2007 alone. Likewise Apple's online music store iTunes has been wildly successful - according to Gordon's math - 19.8 tracks downloaded per second.
Well here's another interesting milestone from USA Today iPods knock over beer mugs
Ridgewood, N.J. research firm Student Monitor conducts a biannual Lifestyle & Media Study, surveying a representative group of 600 students to determine what's "in" on college campuses. According to the most recent survey (Spring 2006), not only are iPods "in" - iPods are more popular than beer. iPods topped the list leaving perennial #1 "Drinking beer" at #2. The last time this happened to beer was in 1997. The culprit? Another disruptive technology you might have heard of - the Internet.